Vacuum shovel evaporators, dryers and reactors

Personal information


Mika Härkönen


Service Provider:

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

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Type of Collaboration:Fee paying basisFunded collaborative projectNegotiable
What "non-technical" services relevant to scale-up does your organisation offer?:Life Cycle AssessmentProcess ModellingTechnoeconomic Assessment


Asset Information:
Vacuum shovel evaporators, dryers and reactors
Raw Material:
Biomass - any
Process Stage:
Secondary Processing
Chemical conversions, Crystallisation and precipitation, Drying, Evaporation, Extraction, Hydrolysis, Polymerisations
Technology Area:
Physicochemical separations
Additional Technical Information:
Multi-purpose Lödige type vacuum shovel dryers that can be use for many unit-operations for slurries, solutions and solid materials: such as evaporation, drying, chemical reactions in slurry or solid state, polymerisations, particle coating and dispersion, precipitations/crystallisations, hydrolysis of biomass etc. Batch or fed-batch operations. High quality acid proof steel. Volume/max Temp 130dm3/170C, 250dm3/200C and 600dm3/160C. All are equipped with a high speed homogeniser mixer and vacuum down to 20 mbar.The 130 dm3 equipment can operate up to 25 bar pressure.
Address : Biologinkuja 702150 FI